15 Amazing Psychology Facts about Human Personality

2 min readJul 14, 2020


Here are some amazing Psychology Facts that tell a lot about Human Personality. These facts have been shortlisted from the app Psychology Facts.

1. The feeling of falling in love can alter your personality. Individuals who tend to be neurotic often notice a change in their personality when they fall in love. Instead of feeling anxious and unstable, love allows them to feel more secure and confident.

2. 90% of the time people with messy handwriting are more creative than average.

3. A person usually makes a lot of hand gestures when telling a true story. When telling a lie, a person’s hands will stay noticeably still.

4. Life offers you an endless amount of possibilities. Don’t settle for a crappy job, crappy friends or a crappy significant other.

5. Desires, Expectations & Ambitions are the actual drivers of any human.

6. Before talking to a new person, a smile from you gains their positive approach towards you!

7. Seeing others positively reveals our positive traits, seeing others negatively reveals our negative traits.

8. Stay positive. Good things will happen.

9. Walking long distances is the best way to maintain psychological health.

10. The way you dress is linked to your mood.

11. Greater expectations can lead to better performance and better results, while lower expectations can decrease the performance level.

12. When you talk to yourself you’re making yourself ‘smarter.’

13. Sunglasses make people look more attractive because they give the illusion of a chiseled bone structure on top of a soft-featured face.

14. Intelligent person have less and selective friends.

15. The ads you see on TV or on billboards can have an impact on your personality. Subconsciously, many products can affect your mood and attitude and can change what you desire or feel you need in life.

16. Don’t talk, act. Don’t say, show. Don’t promise, prove.




Written by FaizanWrites

I am a Freelance Writer. I help people and businesses win the race. Contact at faizanafzal70@gmail.com for getting in touch.

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