3 Ways You Can Become Healthy and Strong

3 min readJan 4, 2019

Health is Life. Being healthy makes one emotionally and physically active. Yet, in this age of technology and fast food, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become incredibly hard. More and more people are turning to an inactive lifestyle. This results in increased weight, more diseases and less fulfilment in life.

According to statistics by the National Center for Health Statistics, one out of every three adults in the USA, above the age of 20, is overweight. Making minor changing in our lifestyles can help us considerably improve our health and well-being.

Are you living an unhealthy lifestyle and do not know a way to turn it around? Do Not Worry! In the following lines, I’ll share some easy to follow tips that will make you healthy, strong and resistant-to-diseases.

1. Control Your Stress!

Research shows that stress has a direct link to obesity. When people are tense, they eat more, which adds to their anxiety and the vicious cycle continues. Stress can be related to countless matters including issues in the job, problems with the study or maintaining a healthy relationship. Sometimes people find it difficult managing stress, but, it isn’t that much hard.

Stress is related to our thinking. The emotions and quality of our thoughts decide its level. If we think negative, then the frequency of difficult situation occurring in our lives increases. Contrarily, positive thinking leads to positive actions and decreases the level of stress.

How to think positive?

Every time you are down and in stress, try to remember those moments in life when you were over the moon with joy. Remember the time when you bought your first bicycle or won a competition in school. Think of the trips in your school-days or the funny incident that occurred with any of our friends or colleagues. These thoughts will relax and refresh your mind.

Stress is manageable, but the single most effective medicine you need is to put yourself in control of your life.

2. Be Up With the Lark!

Getting up before the sunrise reduces stress. It gives one a feeling of internal satisfaction. To experience the immense fulfilment that it offers, try to leave the bed before the dawn tomorrow. You’ll be amazed by the positive energy you will feel the whole day. Moreover, a 20-minute walk in the serene morning air will considerably improve your ability to fight diseases.

Christopher Randler, a biology professor at the University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany, says that morning people are proactive. Moreover, studies have shown that proactivity leads to better job performance, greater career success, and higher wages.

What are you waiting for? Would not love the spectacle of a stunning sunrise and the melodious song of the beautiful birds?

3. Drink Water In the Right Way

Have you ever thought that the way we drink water can make or break our bodies? Yes, it’s true.

Drinking water right after waking up is the best gift you can give yourself for the day. It will increase your metabolism and help your digestive system work. Moreover, it will help you with bowel moments and flush out the harmful toxins from your body.

In contrast, one of the most harmful ways to drink water is to consume it right after eating. It can upset your stomach and digestive system, and make you gain weight. Try avoiding drinking water for at least 90 minutes after eating food.

Never let thirst overpower you. Being thirsty is the sign that your body is dehydrated and needs water. Drinking plenty of water at the right time will give you strength, energy, and vitality to live a blissful life.

Your life is precious, and you need to realize it. Don’t let stress and overweight stop you from achieving your goals. Put yourself in control of your life and experience a pleasant change in your routine, and lifestyle.

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I am a Freelance Writer. I help people and businesses win the race. Contact at faizanafzal70@gmail.com for getting in touch.